the-wright-home e.V.

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Our mission

We love and equip people to discover their strengths!

For us, it is not about being just an aid organisation, but to work together with people to master difficult, challenging life situations. We want to be the equal of the people we work with. We want to enable a mutual giving and taking without creating interdependencies.

Read more about our mission.

Enjoy reading our website!

I would like to say thank you for showing an interest in our work and I would also like to express my gratitude to all those wonderful people who are full of passion to make things possible.

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Our concern

We look at our work in Lesotho as something like “searching and finding”, based on the most motivating forces, to strengthen families and communities and to work together to find and create solutions. A “push of energy” to become active and take ownership can be very helpful, provided that something specific is implemented. Only then can something be truly created on one’s own initiative. We promote and encourage and at the same time we will always have to be aware that hopes and expectations may sometimes have to be left unfulfilled. After three years of intensively searching for a suitable project in the Kingdom of Lesotho in Southern Africa (see also: Lesotho) we believe that our approach of searching and finding was proved and tested.

Read more here.

Our approach

We are using the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) development approach. What does this new method of developing families and communities mean?

In recent years we have been looking at various approaches of family and community development which were implemented successfully and effectively. Our consultant and expert on family strengthening programmes in South Africa, Pieter Labuschagne, introduced us to the effective ABCD approach.

Based on each community member’s capacities and capabilities, all strengths can be releasedby merely discovering talents and potentials. Its impact might often be surprising.

Read more here.

Wir stärken!

Vereinssitz the-wright-home e.V., Pfnorrstr. 12, 63654 Büdingen,

VR-Bank Main-Kinzig-Büdingen    IBAN DE97 5066 1639 0001 136909     BIC GENODEF1LSR

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